Thursday, March 28, 2019

Soma Maximum Dosage

Effectiveness of carisoprodol in treating muscle injuries

Soma is the brand name for carisoprodol, the muscle relaxant. It is used in alleviating pain from muscle spasms and its associated discomfort. In the year 2007, this drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for prescription use. Soma is listed as a schedule 4 drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
While soma pills come with some health benefits, it also has a potential for abuse, partly because it is a fast-acting drug and its effects last between four to six hours.

What are the signs of soma drug abuse?

Typical abuse of soma drug occurs by mixing it with other medications. These drugs include valium, codeine, vicodin, xanax and alcohol. Since, these drugs are basically sedatives, the most important symptom of drug abuse to look for in someone is oversedation due to medication use. Some additional symptoms of soma drug abuse include:
  1. Agitation
  2. Anxiety or depression
  3. Tremors
  4. Headaches
  5. Unexplained irritation
  6. Double vision
  7. Confused in thoughts
  8. Insomnia
  9. Euphoria
If any of these symptoms surface, you should get in touch with the qualified medical practitioner without delay.

Risks associated with soma drug abuse?

Abuse of carisoprodol is known to cause health risks in the long run. This medication mainly poses a risk to your mental health: suicidal thoughts, lack of motivation at work, school or in social situations, mood swings and depression.  Abuse of this drug poses two other risks of addiction and overdose.

The risk of overdose in soma drug abuse

There is a possibility of carisoprodol overdose as its abuse develops a tolerance for the medication. In case you abuse this prescription drug, you will build up a tolerance for it over a period of time. This implies that you will need to ingest this medication in increased amounts to get the same desired effects. This can have potentially dangerous effects, ultimately resulting in overdose on taking the drug in very high amounts. Severe symptoms of overdose include going into shock, shallow or slow breathing, coma and can be life-threatening.

The risk of addiction in soma drug abuse?

Over a period of time, drug abuse inevitably results in developing a dependency on that medication. The same holds true for soma. If this drug is taken for a longer duration without the consultation of the doctor or its frequency is increased, your body may develop both, dependence as well as tolerance to the effects of this medication.
This suggests that you will require higher amounts of soma medication to reach the desired effects. As a consequence, it will make you more dependent on the drug. Ultimately it will result in the occurrence of withdrawal reactions. You may be said to be addicted to this drug if you cannot stay without it for even half day.

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