Monday, March 25, 2019

Side Effects of Soma

Buy soma online to treat musculoskeletal condition

Soma is a drug used for the treatment of pain and stiffness n muscles due to sprains, strains or other muscle injuries. It relaxes the muscles in the body and relieves of the discomfort associated with short-term acute painful bone or muscle condition. In order to stay away from the rush of traffic and avoid missing the dose, buy soma online. However, this medication is prescribed in combination with other treatments such as physical therapy, ample rest and exercise depending on your health condition.
Soma is a prescription drug and is available only on the doctor’s prescription. Carisoprodol, the active ingredient in the medication is a skeletal muscle relaxant and relaxes muscles by acting on the central nervous system (CNS).

What are the side effects of soma?

Like most of the medications, this drug also has two kinds of effects, namely desired and undesired effects. In this case, the desired effect is relaxation of the muscles. As a consequence, pain in the affected area is reduced. Since, the action of this medication takes place in the brain, it may cause nervous system side effects. The probable undesired side effects of this medication include:
  1. Lightheadedness
  2. Clumsiness
  3. Extreme drowsiness
  4. Accelerated heart rate
  5. Upset stomach
  6. Rashes on the skin
  7. Headache
  8. Vomiting
  9. Difficulty in breathing
  10. Weakness
  11. Fever
  12. Burning sensation in the eyes
Obviously, all the side effects of soma are not dangerous, but you must get in touch with the qualified medical practitioner if multiple symptoms outlined above the surface at the same time.
In the case of drug abuse, these side effects become more prominent. One of the risks associated with soma drug abuse is being addictive to it.

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Soma drug abuse:

Abuse of this medication may be done in the following ways:
  1. Ingestion of carisoprodol in higher doses than prescribed
  2. Increasing the frequency of taking carisoprodol on your own without doctor’s consent
  3. Taking soma drug without the doctor’s prescription
  4. Taking soma on the prescription of someone else
  5. Ingestion of soma for recreational use
  6. Buying more soma tablets than required using soma coupons
Usually, this medication is ingested orally by its abusers. Many a time they take soma together with other medicines to increase the effects of those medications. The drugs that are commonly abused along with soma include: Codeine, heroin, alcohol, diazepam, meprobamate, hydrocodone, and propoxyphene.

What to do in case of emergency or overdose?

In case the patient shows symptoms linked with soma medication such as seizures, difficulty in breathing, has collapsed or cannot be awakened, you should not waste a minute and seek medical help.

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